Peritec Products

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RF Test

RF test solutions

Peritec is accredited by the "RF and Wireless Specialty" (radio expertise and RF) from NI.
The RF and Wireless Specialty, NI Alliance partners with expertise specialized design of radio frequency / wireless, authentication, automatic test, the high-frequency measurement is certified. Based on the track record and a wealth of expertise, Peritec, offers test solutions for RF / Wireless system.

 Product Lineup 
■ RF Device Tester
■ RFID Tester
■ APD (amplitude probability) distribution analyzer
■ Multi-satellite GPS signal simulator
■ Zigbee Tester
■ Real-time RF signal analyzer
■ Radio signal receiver (NI 1000 Radio Monitoring Recei


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Peritec Products


1-17-2, Kataoka,
Takasaki-city Gunma
370-0862, Japan


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